Member-only story
A lifetime of Damage from Church
This week, and on this election day, I must reflect on my almost seventy years of life experience. Honestly, I cannot recall when religion has so heavily influenced an election and hoped for results. The separation of Church and State was sacred when I was much younger. Pastors did not preach politics from the pulpit, nor openly instruct church members on the direction of their votes and political affiliations.
Today we have preachers in many denominations calling for a government infused with their religious beliefs. A nation that they wish to “reform” back to their brand of “Christianity”. Not a nation based on “Freedom of Religion”, but a nation mandating the religion that must be obeyed. I don’t know about anyone else, but I find this VERY scary indeed. I see headlines where preachers in extremist pulpits have called openly for the “death to gays” and said with sincerity that stoning and death are what Jesus would want for gays.
Being gay myself I find this quite disturbing just as you would if somone were calling for your extermination. Having a political party that now wants to take away the freedoms and rights that I have spent a lifetime fighting for is also very disheartening. Schools that want to allow open persecution of gay and trans youth and deny them protections and educational books and information to make their lives bearable in school are being…